Meter Lockout for Non-payment

Customer water bills not paid or arrangements not made prior to lock outs are locked out seven days after late notices are mailed on the 15th of the month.  The lockout date is usually around the 4th Wednesday of each month.

Meter's locked out for non-payment will have to be paid in full prior to the meter being unlocked.  No exceptions.

AWS has 72 hours from payment to unlock the meter, but we usually try to get the meter unlocked the same day payment is made.

AWS lockout personnel do not accept payments from the customer in the field.  All payments must be made in the office.  Do not leave payment in your water meter or under a trash can and expect AWS personnel to collect payment.

To have your meter unlocked for non-payment please call the office during business hours on Wednesday or after hours by calling Scott Yarnell on his cellphone at 318-464-5620.

Not getting a bill is not an excuse to avoid locking out the meter for non-payment.